During an interview granted to Nhan Dan on the occasion of the New Year, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong called on the entire Party, people and armed forces to turn challenges into opportunities and join hands to build Vietnam into an increasingly prosperous and happy country. Here is the full text of the interview.

Q: Like other countries in the world, Vietnam also experienced a difficult 2022, but the country managed to record important achievements. Could you please list some notable results in the past year?
A: It is true that the global and domestic situations in 2022 witnessed new, rapid and complicated developments, causing much greater difficulties than forecast. The COVID-19 pandemic was not yet over, the Russia-Ukraine conflict lengthened, and global economic recession negatively affected many countries across the world, including Vietnam.
In such a context, Vietnam still managed to fulfil its socio-economic targets for 2022 quite comprehensively. The economy was fundamentally stable, inflation was kept in check and the major balances of the economy were ensured. GDP growth was estimated at 8%, higher than the target of 6-6.5%. The building and rectification of the Party and the political system, the fight against corruption and negative phenomena continued to see progress and record impressive results. Culture received adequate investment for its development; social security was ensured; people’s standards of living were improved; national defence, security and external relations were enhanced, helping defend national independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, public security and social order. These are the notable results that we have achieved in 2022.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong meets with outstanding local Fatherland Front officials. (Photo: Dang Khoa)
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong meets with outstanding local Fatherland Front officials. (Photo: Dang Khoa)
Q: What are the reasons for achieving such positive results, in your opinion?
A: There are many reasons, but in my opinion, the most crucial and fundamental one is that we have mobilised the strength of the great national unity bloc, under the sound and clear-sighted leadership of the Party; plus the synchronous participation of the National Assembly, the Government, the Fatherland Front and branches and sectors from the central to local levels. It is the solidarity and high unity of the whole political system under the spirit of “The superior - subordinate unanimity”, “One voice speaks, a hundred respond”, “One mind top to bottom”, “Smooth sailing across length and breadth”, not only in leadership and direction but also within the implementation. We not only have appropriate guidelines and policies, and have made great efforts to prevent and control the pandemic, but we also have high determination to promote socio-economic recovery and development in a proactive, comprehensive, extensive, and effective manner. It is not to mention extraordinary meetings to address arising problems. Every month, the key leaders of the Party, State, Politburo, and Secretariat host meetings to thoroughly grasp the overall situation of the country, localities and sectors, thus making prompt directions to solve problems arising. That is a new effective way of operation in recent years, and that working manner has spread to all levels, sectors, and localities in the implementation of resolutions of Party congresses at all levels and the Resolutions of the 13th National Party Congress in particular.
The common lesson is to uphold the spirit of solidarity, as President Ho Chi Minh once said “Solidarity, solidarity, great solidarity. Success, success, great success”. Whenever a new, sensitive and complicated development or an issue with many differing opinions arises, we must stay united and avoid the illusion of self-power in order to find a common voice for the sake of the people and the country.
Only by doing this can we overcome difficulties, turn challenges into opportunities, turn advantages into opportunities, and create inner strength in each party committee, party organisation, sector, and locality. Most importantly, we have to build trust among the Party and the people as trust will generate the motivation to take action and trust will unite people to stand side by side in difficult periods. This is also the answer as to why we have enhanced the building and rectification of the Party and the political system and have been resolutely fighting against corruption and negativity.
Day by day, the Party still does and must do more drastically, to eliminate bad elements, protect the reputation and prestige of the Party, and keep the positive image of cadres and party members. It is the results achieved in this work that are decisive factors in creating the people's trust in the Party. When we have confidence, solidarity and unity, we can overcome any difficulty. Losing confidence is losing everything.

The national conference to review 10 years of the fight against corruption. (Photo: Dang Khoa)
The national conference to review 10 years of the fight against corruption. (Photo: Dang Khoa)
Q: When it comes to Party building and rectification, and the fight against corruption and negativity, the people highly appreciate the results achieved in recent years, but concerns about corruption and negativity are still complicated. Could you share something about this situation and tell us how to fight corruption and negativity?
A: Fighting against corruption and negativity is always a very difficult, sensitive and extremely arduous task, related to people because it is a struggle with bad habits of our comrades, our children and sometimes ourselves. With the determination to repel this disease, the Party Central Committee, the Politburo and the Secretariat, have directed persistently and decisively. The more they do, the more experience they can draw, go into depth and methodically gain the people's consensus, love and support. The root of corruption is individualism, degradation in political ideology, morality, and lifestyle. Some cadres have not done anything but think about making money, plundering for "full of greed". This is the most dangerous root leading to corruption, not only losing money but also losing cadres. If this situation is prolonged, we may lose the regime.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong speaks at the national conference to review 10 years of the fight against corruption. (Photo: Dang Khoa)
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong speaks at the national conference to review 10 years of the fight against corruption. (Photo: Dang Khoa)
From that fact, on September 16, 2021, Politburo issued Regulation No.32, which clearly and fully stipulated the functions and tasks of the Central Steering Committee for Anti-Corruption. The Steering Committee not only directs works against corruption but also directs the fight against degradation in political ideology, morality, lifestyle, “self-evolution”, and “self-transformation” in the cadres, party members, civil servants and public employees, first of all, leaders and managers at all levels in the political system, across the country. This is a new point in the direction of leadership because if the moral and political ideological degradation among cadres and party members is prevented, there will be no more corruption.
Another highlight in 2022 is the implementation of the Resolution of the Fifth Plenum of the 13th-tenure Party Central Committee, under which all localities established provincial Steering Committees on anti-corruption. Thus, the Party’s leadership role in anti-corruption in localities has also been strengthened. This demonstrates the Party’s determination to repel corruption.
The fight against corruption has been conducted by the Party for a long time, but most drastically and effectively since the 11th-tenure Party Central Committee, until now. However, it should be seen that corruption remains complicated and is occurring in many new areas, such as securities and real estate. In particular, there were corruption cases of taking advantage of the Party and State policies regarding the COVID-19 pandemic, to gain illicit profits. That is unacceptable, both breaking the law, and being immoral and inhumane, so it must be punished seriously.
To repel this ‘disease’, it is first necessary to identify corruption and its incalculable harm. It is advisable to fight against corruption fiercely, persistently, and continuously at all levels and all fields, while synchronously implementing political, ideological, administrative, economic and criminal solutions. In particular, the Party inspection work must always be prioritised in coordination with audits, investigations, prosecution and trial, while Party discipline should be combined with administrative and criminal handling.
At the same time, we must build a strict prevention mechanism so that ‘corruption is impossible’, a strict deterrent and punishment mechanism so that people ‘don't dare to corrupt’, and a guarantee mechanism so that ‘there is no need to corrupt’. The prevention of corruption must be combined with proactive detection of corruption and a prompt and strict handling of corruption acts, in which corruption prevention is the main and long-term task, while the detection and handling of corruption is the key breakthrough. It is also necessary to combine the prevention and fight against corruption with the building and rectification of the Party and the political system, the studying and following of Uncle Ho's ideology, morality and lifestyle, the thrift practice, the prevention of wastefulness, the anti-degradation in political ideology, ethics and lifestyle, the ‘self-evolution’, and ‘self-transformation’ within the Party. Power must be controlled in Party and State agencies while promoting the core role and close coordination among anti-corruption agencies.
The most important issue is to highly promote the role of the leader. No matter how much we talk, no matter how synchronous a solution is, if the leader is not determined, it will not work. At the same time, the Party Central Committee must have a policy which encourages those who have committed mistakes - if they voluntarily resign and hand over the corrupt payments, they will be lightly handled or even exempted from punishment. It is not good to have all severely punished, or to remove all from office.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong meets with contributors to the nation on the 75th anniversary of Wounded and Fallen Soldiers’ Day. (Photo: Dang Khoa)
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong meets with contributors to the nation on the 75th anniversary of Wounded and Fallen Soldiers’ Day. (Photo: Dang Khoa)
Q: Entering the second year of implementing the Resolution adopted at the 13th National Party Congress, public opinion highly appreciated the renewal of the resolution-making process and the organisation of its implementation. Can you tell us what issues need to be noted in order to soon realise the Resolution of the Congress?
A: As I have said many times, the end of the congress is considered just the beginning. Whether it can be done or not, whether to turn the Resolution into a vivid reality, to create material wealth, to bring wealth to the country and to bring happiness to the people, that is the actual success of Congress. Therefore, the study, mastery, and implementation of the resolution is very important. It is necessary to be done in a serious, drastic, methodical and scientific manner across its entire term.
In order to concretise the Resolution adopted at the 13th National Party Congress, the resolutions, conclusions and regulations of the Central Committee of the Communist Party and the Politburo of this term show many new points in thinking and implementation solutions, not only orienting for the next 5 years, but also through a longer vision.
If in 2021, the Politburo and the Party Central Committee Secretariat renewed the promulgation and organisation of national conferences to thoroughly grasp and implement the Resolution by sectors and fields, this year, the Politburo will issue and organise national conferences to thoroughly grasp and implement all resolutions on building and developing the six regions in the country: Northern midland and mountainous region, Mekong River Delta region, Central Highlands region, Southeast region, North Central and Central Coastal Regions, and the Red River Delta Region.
In particular, it clearly shows new ideas, guiding views, much new content, and new solutions with a goal to 2030 and a vision to 2045.
This is a very meaningful job, properly assessing the location and potential to maximise the strengths of each locality, each region in new conditions, and at the same time strengthen the linkage between regions; not only creating higher advantages but also ensuring synchronous connectivity in socio-economic development, defence and security throughout the country, as proposed by the Resolution of the 13th National Congress.

Here, it should be noted that the implementation of the Resolution has long been considered a weak point. I often jokingly said that “That's good/It seems that there are many problems in the implementation”.
If the stage of implementation is weak, the Resolution cannot come to life, no matter how good it is, it's meaningless.
After the Resolution is thoroughly grasped, Party Committees at all levels must develop action plans for the entire tenure and specific goals for each year as well as clearly assign tasks and regularly check and urge the forward progression of these. When necessary, it is possible to adjust the goals and solutions to suit the specific situation based on objective fluctuations. Committees at all levels can learn from experiences during the implementation process but must ensure decisiveness and certainty, not in a hurry. The implementation must be synchronous and have a connection among the resolutions and linkages among the regions and sectors, ensuring “smooth sailing across length and breadth”.

General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and other Party and State leaders and delegates at the opening ceremony of the 12th National Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union. (Photo: Duy Linh)
General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and other Party and State leaders and delegates at the opening ceremony of the 12th National Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union. (Photo: Duy Linh)
Q: On the occasion of Lunar New Year 2023, do you want to give any message to officers, soldiers, compatriots nationwide and overseas Vietnamese abroad?
A: 2023 is a pivotal year for the implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress as the world and the country face many complicated, unpredictable and difficult developments in addition to favourable opportunities. In that context, I believe and hope that the whole Party, people and army will promote the achievements gained in the past two years, continue to uphold solidarity and strive to achieve socio-economic development objectives and tasks in 2023, contributing to the successful implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress.
On the occasion of Lunar New Year 2023, I would like to extend my best wishes for a year full of good health, success, joys and happiness to all officers, soldiers, compatriots nationwide, overseas Vietnamese and international friends. New year, new success, everything goes well!
We would like to give sincere thanks to you for your Spring interview. The staff of Nhan Dan Newspaper wish you good health so that you will continue to accompany the entire Party and people in successfully fulfilling the goals and tasks set by the 13th National Party Congress.

Content: BAC VAN
Translation: NDO