Affirming Vietnam’s position and prestige on international arena

NDO – At the invitation of UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and French Prime Minister Jean Castex, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh has led a high-ranking panel from Vietnam to attend the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) as well as a working visit to the UK from October 31 to November 3, and an official visit to France from November 3-5.

The Vietnamese PM’s trip aims to carry out the 13th National Party Congress’s foreign policy of continuing to promote and improve the effectiveness of external relations work and international integration, along with Secretariat Directive 25 enhancing multilateral external relations until 2030. The visit also contributes to affirming Vietnam’s position and prestige on the international arena.


COP26 – Decisive moment

Climate change is becoming complicated and unpredictable on a global scale, attracting special attention from world public opinion and requiring urgent and bold coordination amongst all countries.

COP26 is an annual international conference that has been held under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) since 1995, aiming to achieve progress in dealing with climate change.

The conference took place in the context that urgent and bold action in the fight against climate change is more imperative than ever, towards realising the goal of keeping the global temperature rise to a maximum of 1.5C above pre-industrial levels by the end of the century, as set out in the Paris Agreement.

Efforts to protect “green planet”

Vietnam is one of the most vulnerable countries in terms of climate change. With a long coastline and low plains, Vietnam has always clearly known of the risks and challenges caused by climate change, especially the impacs in the Mekong River Delta, and the central and northern mountainous provinces. The Vietnamese Party and State has always considered climate change adaptation a priority in socio-economic development as well as being active in responding to climate change and implementing its international commitments.

During his phone talks with US Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry on October 8, PM Pham Minh Chinh affirmed that despite the many difficulties in its transition to green economy, Vietnam has continued with its strong commitmentsto coping with climate change, including shifting to a low-carbon economy, launching a roadmap to ease its reliance on coal-fueled power, and increasing the rate of renewable energy. These are in line with Vietnam's policy on sustainable development and the country’s conditions.

Vietnam has developed renewable energy projects. (Photo: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment)

Vietnam has developed renewable energy projects. (Photo: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment)

Vietnam has developed renewable energy projects. (Photo: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment)

Realising climate change as a global problem, over many past years, Vietnam has made efforts to contribute to the global fight against climate change. Vietnam has also attached importance to singing and strictly implementing international treaties and agreements on climate change.

The Vietnamese National Assembly and Government issued promulgated many laws, resolutions and regulations integrated with policies and mechanisms; approved budgets; and implemented climate change response plans. Digital transformation activities and the application of the achievements from the fourth industrial revolution in the field of the environment and climate change have been also boosted.

Vietnam submitted its updated Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to the UNFCCC in 2020. Vietnam was one of the first 20 members to submit and one of the few to increase its contribution to greenhouse gas reduction in the updated NDC. Vietnam’s efforts to implement the UNFCCC have been highly valued at international forums and the country is considered one of pioneers in implementing its commitments on combating climate change.

Growing marine energy. (Photo: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment)

Growing marine energy. (Photo: The Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment)

At the Leaders Summit on Climate, held virtually on April 22-23, President Nguyen Xuan Phuc affirmed that as a country vulnerable to climate change, notably in the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam has pledged to take drastic action in comprehensive response to climate change, including the reduction of emissions by 9% with domestic resources and by 27% with bilateral and multilateral support. The country will greatly reduce its coal-based power generation and rapidly increase the share of renewables in the total primary energy supply to 30% by 2045, while internalising international treaties on reducing greenhouse gas emissions; and accelerating its programme to plant a billion trees by 2025.

The Vietnamese youth step up their action for the climate. (Photo: UNDP Vietnam)

The Vietnamese youth step up their action for the climate. (Photo: UNDP Vietnam)

The Vietnamese high-ranking delegation’s attendance at the COP26 proves the country’s responsible, proactive and active participation in the UNFCCC in general and the COP26 in particular; as well as sending a strong message on a responsible, proactive and active Vietnam joining hands with the international community in settling global challenges on climate change.

Promoting Vietnam – France strategic partnership in an effective and practical manner

France, a country with high political position and prestige in Europe

One of the important stop-overs during PM Pham Minh Chinh’s trip to Europe will be France. As the fifth largest economic power in the world and ranking third in terms of all service exporting countries, France has a very large number of businesses, including the world's leading ones.

France has a long tradition of industrial invention, a high-quality education system, and a highly qualified research team. France is also the EU's leading nation in the production and export of agricultural products. In 2019, the country saw a trade surplus of about EUR7.8 billion of agricultural products (including wheat, grape wine, meat and dairy products), accounting for 5% of the global market share of agricultural trade.

Regarding its foreign policy, France has identified three important goals, including ensuring domestic security and making efforts to participate in maintaining global stability; defending independence and sovereignty to ensure its national interests; and promoting France's influence by enhancing dialogue with all parties and launching initiatives to address issues of security and development on a global scale.        

France has carried out comprehensive diplomacy towards playing a role as a bridge and/or taking the lead in global issues and in regional and international hotspots to promote the country’s diplomatic brand; enhanced economic diplomacy and promote the “Made in France” brand through the values of culture, language, heritage, tourism and sports.

France – One of leading partners of Vietnam in Europe

48 years since the establishment of Vietnam-France diplomatic ties (April 12, 1973 - April 12, 2021), the strategic partnership between the two countries is entering a new stage of development, moving towards comprehensive and effective cooperation in all fields. In recent years, the strategic partnership between the two countries has recorded fruitful developments.

On the basis of trusted political relations, bilateral economic cooperation has recorded many positive results. France is Vietnam's fifth largest European trading partner. Bilateral trade turnover reached US$4.81 billion in 2020 and US$2.81 billion in the first seven months of 2021.

As of July 2021, France ranked 3rd among European countries and 16th in the total number of countries and territories investing in Vietnam, with 605 projects, totaling US$3.6 billion in registered capital. France's direct investment focuses mainly on the fields of information and communication, and the processing and manufacturing industries.

France is the leading European bilateral ODA donor for Vietnam and Vietnam ranks second among countries receiving French ODA in Asia. France supports an ODA loan of at least EUR 200 million per year, focusing on three priority areas: climate change, energy conversion and green growth.

French scientists accompany farmers in the Mekong Delta in agricultural production to adapt to climate change. (Photo: French Embassy)

French scientists accompany farmers in the Mekong Delta in agricultural production to adapt to climate change. (Photo: French Embassy)

Relations between the two countries in the fields of defence, culture, education - training, science - technology, has also achieved many good results. Education and training cooperation between Vietnam and France has developed since the early 1980s and is one of the bright spots in the bilateral relationship.

France always considers education and training a priority goal in its cooperation activities in Vietnam, focusing mainly on teaching and developnig French as a language, training human resources at undergraduate and graduate level in many fields such as economic management, banking, finance, law, and new technology.

The number of Vietnamese students studying in France has increased by about 40% over the past 10 years; and there are currently nearly 10,000 Vietnamese students studying in France. France is home to the third largest number of Vietnamese students in the world.

Many key projects in the field of training, such as the High-quality Engineers Training Programme in Vietnam, the France-Vietnam Centre for Management Education, the International Francophone Institute, are vivid proof of the positive educational cooperation between the two countries in recent years.

In addition, cultural exchanges between the two countries are growing. Every year, the French Government spends about EUR 5 million on cultural cooperation with Vietnam, including supporting the operation of French cultural centres in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Hue and Da Nang. An agreement on cultural centers between the two governments was signed in November 2009, creating the basis and conditions for the operation of the Vietnamese Cultural Centre in Paris, one of two overseas Vietnamese cultural centres.

In terms of tourism, Vietnam is a favourite destination of many French tourists. France ranks 7th among the countries investing in tourism in Vietnam, with 14 projects, totaling US$188 million.

An important highlight of the Vietnam-France Strategic Partnership is cooperation in the health sector. With a spirit of solidarity and standing side by side to together overcome the pandemic, France decided to support Vietnam’s inoculation efforts by donating Covid-19 vaccines to Vietnam through the COVAX Facility. France also received assistance from Vietnam during the first wave of COVID-19 in March 2020. France’s support for Vietnam has manifested in many other forms.

According to French Ambassador to Vietnam Nicolas Warnery, through the French Development Agency (AFD), the Institute for Research for Development (IRD) and the Pasteur Institute, France has made great efforts to support Vietnam’s public health system, as well as its scientific research activities aiming to curb the spread of the pandemic and reduce the impact on Vietnam’s socio-economy.

Vietnam receives 1.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine from France and Italy. (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Vietnam receives 1.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine from France and Italy. (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Nhan Dan (People) newspaper presents face masks to French friends. (Photo: Nhan Dan Newspaper)

Nhan Dan (People) newspaper presents face masks to French friends. (Photo: Nhan Dan Newspaper)

The signing ceremony of a credit agreement and mortgage contracts for government non-guaranteed loans between the Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) and the French Development Agency (AFD) for the expanded Ialy hydropower plant project. (Photo: AFD)

The signing ceremony of a credit agreement and mortgage contracts for government non-guaranteed loans between the Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) and the French Development Agency (AFD) for the expanded Ialy hydropower plant project. (Photo: AFD)

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Vietnam receives 1.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine from France and Italy. (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Vietnam receives 1.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine from France and Italy. (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

Nhan Dan (People) newspaper presents face masks to French friends. (Photo: Nhan Dan Newspaper)

Nhan Dan (People) newspaper presents face masks to French friends. (Photo: Nhan Dan Newspaper)

The signing ceremony of a credit agreement and mortgage contracts for government non-guaranteed loans between the Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) and the French Development Agency (AFD) for the expanded Ialy hydropower plant project. (Photo: AFD)

The signing ceremony of a credit agreement and mortgage contracts for government non-guaranteed loans between the Vietnam Electricity Group (EVN) and the French Development Agency (AFD) for the expanded Ialy hydropower plant project. (Photo: AFD)

The Vietnamese community in France was mostly formed during the First World War 1914-1918, when many Vietnamese went to France at different times and under varying circumstances. The total number of Vietnamese people in France is now about 300,000, most of whom have naturalized French, mainly made up of workers, officials, small traders and students. The community is increasing in number and diversity in composition due to more and more students coming to study, including a small number of people moving from Eastern European countries.

Currently, there are about 40,000 overseas Vietnamese with university or postgraduate degrees in various professions and fields, accounting for 12% of the Vietnamese community in France. The majority of overseas Vietnamese intellectuals were those who went to France before and after 1954 and whose children grew up in France. Some have high professional qualifications, are experts with experience working at universities, the French National Centre for Scientific Research, research institutes, and at administrative and technical agencies.

Not only on a bilateral level, Vietnam and France also work closely together at multilateral forums such as the United Nations, the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM). French Ambassador to Vietnam Nicolas Warnery has emphasised that Vietnam is an important Southeast Asian partner and a bridge to help promote the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) - France Development Partnership, as well as the ASEAN - European Union (EU) relationship.

On a phone call on June 14 with French Prime Minister Jean Castex, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh affirmed that France is one of the leading partners of Vietnam in Europe and that Vietnam wants to further enhance the traditional, trusted and strategic partnership between the two countries. This official visit to France by Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh will make an important contribution to further strengthening political trust and enhancing the Vietnam - France strategic partnership in a more effective and practical manner.

The visit of Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh aims to further promote the strategic partnership between the two countries, a real strategic partnership, not just one made of words. We hope the visit will help materialise commitments made by the two countires.
French Ambassador to Vietnam Nicolas Warnery.

Opening up "new horizons" for Vietnam - UK cooperation

The UK - an active and responsible member of the international community

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK) is a country that makes active, proactive and responsible contributions to the common international effort for peace, security, development and progress.

Peaceful scene on Westminster Bridge in London. (Photo: Reuters)

Peaceful scene on Westminster Bridge in London. (Photo: Reuters)

The UK is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, a member of NATO, the G7, head of the 54 countries in the Commonwealth (mostly former British colonies), many important international organisations, and has diplomatic relations with 165 countries.

From 2016 to now, the UK has strongly implemented the policy of "global Britain", with a focus on strengthening its external economy; strengthening its voice and continuing to coordinate its positions with Germany and France in major documents such as Iran, Myanmar, Syria, East Sea/ South China Sea.

The UK always strives to improve the effectiveness of development aid in association with serving global foreign policy priorities, affirming its role as an active and responsible member in the international community. The UK's aid is mainly aimed at poverty alleviation, government capacity building, human rights, women's development, health, education, environmental protection, conflict prevention, disaster relief; implemented through two channels: international organisations (under the United Nations and the World Bank) and bilateral channels.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson insists Britain will take the lead in the fight against climate change. (Source:

Prime Minister Boris Johnson insists Britain will take the lead in the fight against climate change. (Source:

The UK is one of the leading countries in combating climate change, being the first to set a target of zero carbon emissions by 2050. The UK is the host of the COP26 Conference and the G7 Summit in 2021.

UK - ASEAN cooperation in recent years has witnessed many positive "bright spots". The UK applied to become a Dialogue Partner of ASEAN in June 2020, applied to be an observer at the ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting Plus (ADMM+) and was approved as a Dialogue Partner of ASEAN on August 5, 2021.

Significant imprints of Vietnam - UK cooperation

The cooperative relationship between Vietnam and the UK has undergone 48 years of development with many positive achievements in all fields. Vietnam and the UK officially established diplomatic relations in 1973.

The two countries signed a Joint Statement on the establishment of a Strategic Partnership in 2010, opening a beautiful new chapter in the history of their bilateral relations.

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on July 29, 2015 receiving UK Prime Minister David Cameron on an official visit to Vietnam. The UK Prime Minister's first visit to Vietnam was an important milestone in the relationship between the two countries. (Photo: VNA)

Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong on July 29, 2015 receiving UK Prime Minister David Cameron on an official visit to Vietnam. The UK Prime Minister's first visit to Vietnam was an important milestone in the relationship between the two countries. (Photo: VNA)

On the occasion of the visit to Vietnam by First Secretary of State and Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the UK Dominic Raab on September 30, 2020, the two sides issued a new Joint Statement on the Strategic Partnership with seven priority areas of cooperation and affirmed to raise the relationship to a higher level over the next 10 years.

Over nearly half a century, friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and the UK have been preserved and nurtured by the Governments and peoples of the two countries, reaping “sweet fruits” in all fields such as politics, the economy, culture, education, science – technology, and others. UK investment projects in Vietnam and activities to promote cultural and educational exchange such as teacher training and technology transfer in education have made an important contribution to tightening the bond between the peoples of the two countries and have become a vivid and meaningful symbol of the Vietnam - UK relationship.

Regarding trade, the UK has supported Vietnam’s joining of the World Trade Organization (WTO). Trade relations between Vietnam and the UK have developed strongly from the 1990s until now. Two-way trade revenue reached about US$5.6 billion in 2020. In the first half of 2021, Vietnam's import and export turnover with the UK continued to grow, reaching over US$3.2 billion.

The UK is Vietnam’s third largest trading partner in the European market. The main export products of Vietnam to the UK are phones and components, textiles, footwear, iron and steel, computers and components, cashew nuts, coffee, and pepper. Imported goods from the UK include machinery, equipment, pharmaceuticals, chemical products, raw materials for textiles and footwear, and cars.

December 29, 2020 marked an important milestone in Vietnam - UK relations as the two countries officially signed the UK-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (UKVFTA).

With this agreement, the door for economic and trade cooperation between Vietnam and the UK opened wider. The signing of the UKVFTA is very important for both countries, especially as countries around the world are trying to rejuvenate their economies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. This agreement is also expected to bring about “golden” opportunities for the two sides to effectively exploit the potential of cooperation and promote trade, investment, and sustainable development, contributing to boosting Asia-Europe economic linkage.

This is an important historical event in the relationship between the two countries. At a strategic level, the completion of the UKVFTA creates more economic cohesion and interweaving between the two countries, thereby deepening and elevating the Vietnam-UK Strategic Partnership. The UKVFTA is a new generation and high-quality bilateral agreement aimed at completely eliminating import duties as well as non-tariff barriers for the two countries' goods, with a relatively short roadmap.
Former Vietnamese Ambassador to the UK Tran Ngoc An.
This is a turning point in the relationship between the two countries, marking an important milestone in the relationship between the UK and Vietnam on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Strategic Partnership. This free trade agreement will ensure the acceleration of bilateral trade and is good news for 3,000 UK enterprises who continue to export to Vietnam. This also brings good news for UK consumers, who want access to made in Vietnam products such as mobile phones, clothing, footwear and other products.
UK Ambassador to Vietnam Gareth Ward.

The signing ceremony for the conclusion of negotiations for the UKVFTA in Hanoi on December 11, 2020. (Photo: VNA)

The signing ceremony for the conclusion of negotiations for the UKVFTA in Hanoi on December 11, 2020. (Photo: VNA)

Vietnamese Ambassador to the UK Tran Ngoc An and British Ambassador to Vietnam Gareth Ward officially sign the UKVFTA in the UK on December 29, 2020. (Photo: VNA)

Vietnamese Ambassador to the UK Tran Ngoc An and British Ambassador to Vietnam Gareth Ward officially sign the UKVFTA in the UK on December 29, 2020. (Photo: VNA)

Vietnam - UK cooperation in other fields has also achieved many fruitful results. Defence - security cooperation has also developed positively. The two sides have exchanged many defence and security delegations and promoted cooperation in training, information exchange, purchase and sale of equipment. The British Defence Minister paid an official visit to Vietnam for the first time in July 2021.

Regarding education and training, the UK also focuses on cooperation with Vietnam in this field with the presence of the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities (British Council) in Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh City actively promoting the participation of leading UK schools in providing training and developing higher education institutions in Vietnam.

A double-decker bus, the symbol of the UK Education and Technology Roadshow programme organised by the British Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City, present at the University of Greenwich, April 23, 2021. (Photo: University of Greenwich)

A double-decker bus, the symbol of the UK Education and Technology Roadshow programme organised by the British Consulate General in Ho Chi Minh City, present at the University of Greenwich, April 23, 2021. (Photo: University of Greenwich)

Regarding climate change response, many British energy corporations are interested in investing in renewable energy in Vietnam, including offshore wind power projects, one of strengths of the UK.

Currently, the Vietnamese community in the UK is made up of about 100,000 people who are living in harmony with the local communities and have made practical activities to help strengthen community solidarity as well as looking towards building their homeland.

On the basis of the traditional relationship between the two countries, the spirit of solidarity and sharing continues to be upheld by Vietnamese and British people in the context of the raging COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, when the UK was heavily affected by the pandemic, Vietnamese agencies, organisations and businesses donated hundreds of thousands of masks to the UK to help the country in its fight against the pandemic. The British side expressed their thanks for Vietnam's noble gesture in the tough fight against the pandemic.

The Vietnamese Embassy in the UK presents 135,000 antibacterial masks to representatives of London and Wales on July 2, 2020. (Photo: VNA)

The Vietnamese Embassy in the UK presents 135,000 antibacterial masks to representatives of London and Wales on July 2, 2020. (Photo: VNA)

Promoting the spirit of mutual affection, the UK has also actively supported Vietnam in pandemic prevention and control. The UK is a major contributor to the COVAX mechanism, with the vaccine being jointly developed by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford. Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the UK Dominic Raab stated that the UK is ready to lobby AstraZeneca to transfer technology and assist Vietnam in building its own vaccine production capacity. On the morning of August 3, 2021, representatives of the British Embassy in Vietnam presented 415,000 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine to Vietnam to help the country fight the pandemic.

With the efforts of generations of the peoples of both countries, the good relationship between Vietnam and the UK will continue to be promoted in cultural, economic healthcare, and educational cooperation, contributing to opening up new opportunities for bilateral relations.

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh's working visit to the UK has confirmed Vietnam’s desire and determination to further deepen the Vietnam - UK Strategic Partnership and bring it to a new level. Vietnam's participation in the COP26 Conference, hosted by the UK, also shows the view that Vietnam attaches great importance to the UK's role and actively cooperates with the UK in responding to climate change. At the same time, the working visit also conveys a message to the British people and businesses about Vietnam's investment attractive policies towards building a green economy.

Production manager: NGOC THANH, HA VIET
Sources: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment, UNDP Vietnam, French Embassy, VNA, Reuters,